Boh's Gentle Baby Balm Slime


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✋japanese clay blend sizzly snowbutter
👃peach, goats milk and honey
➕pacifier or peach charm; milk bottle, baby’s head, pink glitter

"A luxurious balm to calm and comfort the most boisterous of babes."

Even the most powerful witch in the spirit realm can be brought to her wit’s end by a restless child. When your dear beloved’s cries shake the very walls and his terrible tantrums turn the Bathhouse upside down, it’s time to reach for a salve just as potent as your spells—Boh’s Gentle Baby Balm!

We know the tiniest upset sends your little one into a whirlwind of tears and fury, but don’t despair – just apply a dab on those chubby cheeks, and watch as the tears evaporate – just like magic.

Perfect for the most pampered prince, this balm is gentle enough for your doted-upon darling’s delicate skin. And that’s not all – it magically inflates in size when whipped up, so you’ll be sure to have plenty to last for those many sleepless nights ahead.

Remember: tranquility is just a touch away!

“Boh, the mammoth sized child of Yubaba, was inspired by the Japanese folk hero Kintaro. He is described to be raised by a witch mother on the Ashigara mountain, and his popularity is such that even today Kintaro dolls are used on the Japanese Boy’s Day, praying to him to provide their sons with the same strength as his.” (

Disclaimer: The products sold in this shop are for fun and novelty purposes only. They are not intended to cure, treat, or mitigate any real ailments or conditions, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. All product claims, ingredients, and effects are part of a creative, fictional narrative and should not be interpreted as fact. Use is strictly for your enjoyment, sensory play, and imagination. Please refrain from consuming, ingesting, or relying on these products for actual medical or magical purposes.

Remember: it's all part of the bit!