Haku's Transformation Tonic Slime


8 oz slime + add ins

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✋color-shifting perlite jelly x pumice rocks
👃river water, wild peppermint (for memory), anise seed, river rocks and foliage, minerals, hint of lemongrass
➕water droplets, dragon feathers, leaves, holo flakes

"For those who seek their true nature."

Do you find yourself lost in a haze, trapped between the person you once were and the person you want to be? Is your true self slipping away, buried beneath the weight of expectations and the passage of time? Have you spent so long wearing a facade, performing another’s identity, that you’ve forgotten who you really are?

Wounded soul, there is a light at the end of your dark tunnel! Rediscover your majestic inner essence with Haku’s Transformation Tonic, formulated with the strongest magical extracts to free your mind and body from its prison so you can embrace the Real You.

✨Wild peppermint sharpens your fuzzy memory so your inner light shines with clarity, while anise seed protects your soul along its journey
✨Tumbling river rocks slough off your old skin so you can embrace the radiance beneath
✨Reclaim your name – and your destiny. This stimulating scrub will awaken dormant memories of years gone by

Infused with the essence of the Kohaku River, this tonic will realign those who have lost their way in the twisting currents of life. Finely-crushed powder of dragon scale provides an extra transformative boost – and my! What a beauty to behold! Its color-shifting magic will aid you as you shift through your own transformations.

Remember, forgotten spirit: life is like a flowing river – don’t let yourself become lost in stagnant waters.

💡 Haku’s real name is Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi (Master of the Swift Amber River). When the river is destroyed and covered by apartment buildings, Haku is disconnected from his true identity, leaving him vulnerable to Yubaba, who steals his name and labor, leaving him with “Haku”.

Disclaimer: The products sold in this shop are for fun and novelty purposes only. They are not intended to cure, treat, or mitigate any real ailments or conditions, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. All product claims, ingredients, and effects are part of a creative, fictional narrative and should not be interpreted as fact. Use is strictly for your enjoyment, sensory play, and imagination. Please refrain from consuming, ingesting, or relying on these products for actual medical or magical purposes.

Remember: it's all part of the bit!