Kaonashi's Digestive Decoction Slime


8 oz slime + add ins

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"A Remedy for the Most Ravenous of Appetites!"

Rotund spirit! Have you, perhaps, indulged too freely at the Bathhouse? Have you devoured mountains of delectable delights only to find yourself in a sorrowful state of stomach strife? Do you feel the pressing of your greed upon your gut, a gurgling, growling, gassy ghoul within? Perhaps you’re stuffed with the weight of all those unsavory emotions you’ve soaked up from others. It can leave a spirit feeling a little, well…nameless, faceless, lost. But fret not, for relief is at hand!

Specially formulated for the insatiable spirit, Kaonashi’s Digestive Decoction will quench your yearnin’ when your stomach is churnin’. A blend of ground-up chompy teeth, condensed void particles (blessed with smoke to stave away the loneliness), and the remnants of Kaonashi’s last meal, this potent potion may be a little rough and tumbly going down the ol’ windpipe, but it’s guaranteed to stimulate the stomach, settle the soul, and wipe the slate clean again!

✨ Purifies and pacifies even the most tumultuous tummies!
✨ Calms the cravings and clears the conscience!
✨ Just a single sip to satiate and placate!

Don’t let your greed get the better of you—when you’re full to the brim, reach for Kaonashi’s Digestive Decoction to restore your inner balance once again!

✋black & cream sugar scrub x block bead

👃charcoal-roasted japanese yams, ginger-roasted nuts, steamed rice, incense smoke, fireworks (fairly strong!)

➕”gold”, food fimos (kimbap, curry, rice, fish, tomato, cucumber, shrimp, egg), random food charm “offering”, and…oh god…a human!

"There are No-Faces all around us. There's only a paper-thin difference between evil spirits and gods. [...] once you open the doors, all sorts of things come in [...] there are people like him everywhere, people who want to glom on to someone but have no sense of self.” - H. Miyazaki

Disclaimer: The products sold in this shop are for fun and novelty purposes only. They are not intended to cure, treat, or mitigate any real ailments or conditions, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. All product claims, ingredients, and effects are part of a creative, fictional narrative and should not be interpreted as fact. Use is strictly for your enjoyment, sensory play, and imagination. Please refrain from consuming, ingesting, or relying on these products for actual medical or magical purposes.

Remember: it's all part of the bit!