SALE Spin Cycle Slime

SALE Spin Cycle Slime


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20% OFF SALE: 19.20; original price: $24


✋squishy-plump-foamy snowbutter + (unbreakable) honeycomb sponges x (squishable/breakable) jelly cubes x memory foam pieces (8 oz) + jelly floam topper (3 oz) = 11 oz
👃abandoned laundromat
➕3 oz unscented jelly floam “detergent” topper

This laundromat has been here several generations, watched the neighborhood’s kids grow up. The machines are old and a little finicky, but they predictably hum and clatter to a start when you drop your change into the slot. The steady, soothing drone blends with the rhythmic thump of clothes tumbling in the dryers nearby. You mentally note the flickering fluorescent lights, which cast an unappealing glow over the room. You sit. The hard plastic of the chair is cold and uncomfortable through your jeans; your fingers idly flip through an old magazine. The scent of fresh laundry is pleasant, at least, though the dingy walls and floors could use a cleaning.

Outside the world rushes by, but here time seems to slow down, the minutes marked by the spinning cycles of the machines. The laundromat is almost empty, save for an elderly man folding his clothes meticulously at the far end of the room. The television in the corner plays an old sitcom, the canned laughter adding an odd sense of cheer to the otherwise quiet space. Minutes pass by, and you notice it’s now just you and the machines, chugging along in their monotony. The elderly man…he must have left, but you didn’t notice him pass by. Your thoughts drift to how many people have probably filtered in and out of this place, never speaking a word to each other yet connected through this mundane routine. As you doze a bit, waiting for the cycle to finish, you vaguely perceive chattering voices around you, feel the weighted presence of others. The shrill ding of the washing machine yanks you out of your sleepy daze. Your joints creak as you stand up, as if you haven’t moved in 50 years. The air is stale and warm. Though you swore you heard voices just a moment ago, the laundromat is deathly silent, now that your machine – the only one in operation – has finished. The tv is off, a heavy layer of dust coating the screen – and every visible surface around you. The oppressive fluorescent light persists, and you gather your laundry quickly, the eeriness of the place settling into your bones. As you step outside, feeling as if you have aged decades, the door closes behind you with a final, definitive click – but as you walk away, you hear the distinctive thrum of the machines in their steady, eternal cycle.

Spin Cycle features special clays and ingredients to give it a unique texture.