SALE Wanderer Slime

SALE Wanderer Slime


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25% off - original price $20

WANDERER // A few wanderers like you are looking for a place to rest: "We heard there's a Leatherman cave nearby." They describe a locally-famous vagrant who hiked this area for almost thirty years. "He's dead now, but his caves are the best place to camp." You find the cave easily – because someone's lit a fire there. As you approach, you see a silhouette bend over the flames with an odd creaking sound, like a door swinging in the wind. His coat is crudely stitched from leather plates that squeak against each other. "The Leatherman," one of the others whispers. "Are you a ghost?!" The Leatherman must have heard, but he just stares. His face is corpse-still, then reddens. He stands suddenly, his stinking leather jacket screeching like a rusted gate as he unfolds himself to his full, towering height— You're ten yards away before you glance back to see him hurling insults—in French. "Wait," you shout, "maybe he's not a ghost!" "He's a French ghost," the others scream. "He's eating," you say, and point out his can of beans. "Je ne suis pas un fantôme," the man says, & adds: "Idiot." "Oh!" blurts your companion. "Canadien?" Soon he & the Leatherman are deep in conversation–& your group has a safe place to rest.

The Leatherman was a famed vagabond who traversed the area between the Connecticut & Hudson Rivers from 1857 to 1889, wearing a distinctive handmade leather suit. His identity remains shrouded in mystery, thought to be French-Canadian due to his fluency and the French prayer book found after his death. He walked a consistent 365-mile circuit, following a regular schedule through towns every 34 days, seeking shelter in rock caves. He was so timely that families who shared food with him would come to expect him, and thus, the legends grew as he showed up year after year. Donned in his 60-lb leather attire, which made him look unnervingly large & ominous, he communicated minimally & declined meat on Fridays, hinting at a potential Catholic background.

🖐️ shimmery green-gold pigmented clear x clay "leather" top
👃clove tobacco, crumpled weathered maps, strong orange pekoe tea with a smidge of bourbon, leatherman's coat, roasted chestnuts, toasty warmth
+campfire charm, leather shoes (optional), metal stars, maple leaf glitters, brown "cans" (perler beads), rolled up stained weathered map of the Leatherman's route, "dirt" and "moss" powder, "mud" (1 oz opaque clear slime)