SALE Numb Slime

SALE Numb Slime


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original price: $25

NUMB // Imagine a deer caught in the blinding glare of headlights, paralyzed by the realization of its inevitable demise. In that moment, the world slows, time unravels, and the forces of nature hold their breath. In this suspension, this interlude between action and surrender, the freeze response takes root.

Acetylcholine, a potent messenger, surges forth, commanding the heart to retreat into a dulled rhythm, the body to stiffen like an ancient statue, and the breath to become restrained, as if the very air itself has become a scarce resource.

Numbness descends as sensations retreat to the fringes of our consciousness. In this dissociated state, we become transient visitors in our own beings, observing the tableau of existence from a distance. Reality loses its sharp edges, the boundaries of self blur, there lingers an undercurrent of dread—an echo of the primal instincts that reside deep within us.

As children, our ability to protect ourselves is limited and mostly reliant upon our caregivers. When a child isn't able to fight or flee from danger, they may surrender to immobility. Children who were routinely activated into this response can be more likely to develop a tendency toward dissociation, anxiety, and panic disorders as adults, a testament to the lasting impact of early experiences.

To represent this state, icy-clear silica shards, glinting iridescent straw beads, and block beads are suspended in a coated clear base. A baby doll's face, barely discernable, made of creamy-soft cloud slime, is "frozen" & dipped in wax, representing vulnerability & feeling trapped, unable to fully express oneself or connect with one's own emotions. The wax face can be cracked and mixed in, a symbolic breaking free.

I've scented this slime to resemble the fragrance of an abandoned baby doll: delicate notes of powdery-warm vanilla intermingle with the subtle sweetness of rice paper and soft strawberry. A splash of cream and a dusting of rice flour add a comforting touch. Yet, underlying these comforting scents, there is a hint of plastic, a whiff of dust and wax sheen, and the slight scent of decay, like unearthing a long-forgotten doll from the attic.